عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي

عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي يمكن استخدامها في التعبير عن جمال سطوعه، ونظرًا إلى أن القمر من الثوابت الكونية التي يتم استخدامها كمثال في التغزل من جماله البهي وإضاءته التي تنير عتمة الكون ليلًا، فسنحرص اليوم من خلال منصة وميض بعرض مجموعة من العبارات والاقتباسات عن القمر باللغة الإنجليزية، وبعض العبارات العربية المترجمة إلى الإنجليزية أيضًا.

عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي

هناك باقة كبيرة من أجمل العبارات التي تُقال عن القمر باللغة الإنجليزية والتي يمكن الاستعانة بها في التعبير عن الحب عند تشبيه الحبيب بالقمر وغيره، فمن أبرز هذه العبارات ما يلي:

  • We light up and our souls burn, a passion for those we love.
  • The moon is the best witness, and the night is brighter.
  • Daytime is faint, he doesn’t know volunteer language.
  • “Silence, the necessity of silence and wait, for love cannot be eaten.
  • It needs long patience and a lot of effort.
  • The moon is you, the night is me sadness and nostalgia, and love is our vessel
  • The stars. God does not deprive me of that billboard that I love.
  • Name her, and I live with her every day.
  • We are the ones growing up, and we are the ones
  • We swoon a day later, until we don’t know ourselves.
  • The moon is our witness for more.
  • Night mixes lovers with moonlight.
  • The moon and night are friends who don’t leave each other.
  • We, like the moon, have two sides, one of which is a dark one that can only be seen.
  • With an eye.
  • “The moon is the light of Elmi that spreads out the people in their darkest shadows.
  • Good evening, if the light of the moon sometimes needs the silence that resembles the silence of the moon and the stars.
  • The best way to get in touch with lovers is to tell the moon how long they are.

اقرأ أيضًا: أجمل ما يقال عن المساء

كلمات جميلة عن القمر بالإنجليزية

نقدم فيما يلي مجموعة من أجمل وأرقى الكلمات عن القمر بالانجليزي، حيث إن القمر لا غنى عنه في النظام الكوني فسبحان الله في خلقه وإبداعه، فالقمر سمائنا كل ليلة ولذا سنعرض فيما يلي أرقى الكلمات التي توصفه:

  • The moon may be a mountain and it reflects only sunlight, but it is the magic and beauty of humans, in which they see happiness, just like love towards the moon, so even if you get it wrong, you get it.
  • Stars put your eyes on the moon, and if you do not see the moon, you will see the stars. Either way you are a winner. At the moon there is no reason to grieve at night beautiful hearts and legs and tears meet the wounded.
  • What a beautiful evening in the moonlight and in the night of lovers.
  • You will witness our love the stars of the night and the moon and its breeze, the silence of the night and the tranquillity of the moon with a cup of top here, Beauty lies.
  • The moon doesn’t fight nobody attacks, doesn’t try to crush others, it’s just keeping its course at night and gawking alive nicely when the moon at night looks back, it’s actually changing.
  • I will never forget that the beautiful moon is the anticline, the mere love of its light in the darkness becomes the friendly, loving and tolerant friend.
  • No matter how many secrets a person reveals to the moon, he does not reveal it.

عبارات متنوعة عن القمر بالإنجليزي

في سياق عرض عبارات عن القمر بالإنجليزي سنوضح أرقى الكلمات المعبرة عن القمر باللغة الإنجليزية والمتمثلة فيما يلي:

  • The moon is the refuge for those in it, a searing story of their love and when it is harsh, they look to the villa to recover their memories.
  • When the moon is born, happiness is born with it, hopes and dreams, and with it are born the great images that children love.
  • On the walls of the moon, they draw pictures of their games and their laughter and the sounds of their mothers go towards the moon, and even if you fail, you settle down.
  • Three things that cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
  • I like to see the moon at its beginning when it’s full moon, because I love everything that has a future of the finest festivities of man that lie in the silence and blackness of the night.
  • To be influential in life, it goes towards the moon, and if it does not reach it will stay between the stars tonight, it seems the moon is sad, and this is reflected by its reflection.
  • The moon lights up all the nights while people sleep and do not stop lighting them.
  • If you do something so beautiful, so handsome and so fond of it, Ed, don’t bother that one, you don’t do it because people pay attention to you.
  • The moon, like a flower in heaven’s high bower, with silent delight Sits and smiles on the night.
  • The moon is the reflection of your heart and moonlight is the twinkle of your love.

خواطر عن القمر بالإنجليزي

في صدد عرض عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي، سنعرض فيما يلي مجموعة من أبرز الخواطر التي تم كتابتها عن القمر:

  • They loved the creator of the sun and moon alone.
  • I had a long night, and I asked the stars about my story.
  • I was still in my own unit, until a breath of magic walked in you while I was swimming in a world that was clear to my eyes.
  • A story in which I read pages from my cheeks, between a past that left me no memory of my imagination.
  • Absence, and my hopes were filmed in a glimpse of the friendly moon you can speak to in your unit at night.
  • But even when the moon looks like it’s waning…it’s actually never changing shape. Don’t ever forget that.
  • It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon.
  • The moon fascinates us in her simplicity.
  • He could well imagine what the moon had given her: pure solitude and tranquility. That was the best thing the moon could give a person.
  • Smile like the moon to make life beautiful, because in your beautiful smile life finds meaning.
  • The night and the moon are incontestably incontestably with each other, and neither I nor the moon will come without the other, for the moon is the light of the darkness, the young lovers love the moon, and they do not like it except for the beauty of the image.

كلمات جميلة عن القمر مترجمة للعربية

لا نقتصر اليوم خلال سردنا لموضوع عبارات عن القمر بالإنجليزي على عرض عبارات إنجليزية فقط، بل سنعرض العبارات العربية والتي تم ترجمتها إلى الإنجليزية والمتمثلة في الآتي:

  • The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, color and nuance.

يقدم القمر عرضًا أنيقًا، يختلف في كل مرة في الشكل واللون والفروق الدقيقة.

  • The moon lives in the lining of your skin.

يعيش القمر في ثنايا بشرتك.

  • The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

القمر صديق وحيد للتحدث معه.

  • You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.

يمكنك أن تكون القمر ولا تزال تشعر بالغيرة من النجوم.

  • The moon was reigning over their world, glowing its full splendor to all those willing to look up.

كان القمر يسود على عالمهم، متوهجًا بريقه الكامل لجميع الراغبين في البحث.

  • Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

الجميع قمر ولديه جانب مظلم لا يظهره لأحد

  • The full moon – the mandala of the sky.

البدر – ماندالا السماء.

  • Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

لا تقل لي القمر يلمع، أرني بريق الضوء على الزجاج المكسور.

  • The moon makes anything shine with a glistening light.

اقرأ أيضًا: أجمل كلام مساء الخير

القمر يجعل أي شيء يلمع بضوء لامع.

  • We love the night and the quiet, and there is no night we love more than the one that looks like the other.

نحن نحب الليل والهدوء وليس هناك ليلة نحبها أكثر من تلك التي تبدو مثل الأخرى.

  • The moon is beautiful in the eyes of its lovers.

القمر جميل في عيون مُحبيه.

شعر عن القمر مترجم للإنجليزية

فيما يلي سنعرض بعض أبيات الشعر التي توصف القمر والتي تشتمل على عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي، وأبيات الشعر تكون كالتالي:

  • I take your most precious client.

Hide behind a cloud that cherishes you and throws

Be where you want to be.

And I say, “Why do you leave the captive?”

No matter how sublime your position or your machinery is

I want you to see what you can find.

Empty your eternity in youth, and pour forth upon my pure heart.

Take me to you, and I’ll survive the plague.

  • The moon that appears in the evening and Brooks

The night what is Ellis the loving face of her lover

Drawing a smile on her face and the colorful colors of nostalgia

Warmth and comfort

Is the face of the woman who has embraced her child’s hands

To feel safe and comfortable with her.

اقرأ أيضًا: أجمل ما قيل عن القمر

عبارات عن القمر المنير بالإنجليزية

فيما يلي مجموعة من العبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي، وهذه العبارات تحمل الكثير من المعاني الجميلة والأنيقة:

  • The moon is the most romantic place on the planet.
  • Night is a refuge for lovers who are tired of separation.
  • The moon is the music of beauty and love that renews hope in the hearts.
  • The moon is a canvas of calm and serenity that teaches good thought.
  • The wonderful silence that comes upon the universe after midnight.
  • The stars, moon and night, the signs of love and beauty in the universe.
  • The moon and night are unending tales.
  • The quiet of the night is good, and silence is life.
  • The moonlights increase the beauty of faces.
  • The most beautiful moon in the sky.
  • It is no secret that the moon has no light of its own, but is, as it were, a mirror, receiving brightness from the influence of the sun.
  • The evening is fascinating with all the laughter of the stars, the beauty of the moon, the smile of the sky and the eyes of the lovers.
  • I can’t live without water, and there are no.
  • They can live without the moon.
  • The moon is the most beautiful friend who never abandons us.
  • The moon is beautiful only when the mind is seeking beauty and the heart is loving.
  • The moon is the best friend to whom we share our feelings and secrets. The moon in the company of the night guides you, a beautiful couple and two wonderful breasts, the moon and night, too.

القمر نور العتمة وكثير من الناس يجلسون ليلًا ليتأملون فيه وهذا ما نتج عنه الكثير من عبارات عن القمر بالانجليزي والعربي بالإضافة إلى الكثير من الأشعار والاقتباسات.

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